Monday, May 5, 2008


I ran across a podcast at the Learning Times Network entitled "Designing instruction to get your students involved: doing it successfully in one class session" that sounded ever so relevant to me and the teaching opportunities I have as a librarian. The speaker Maryellen Weimer was very easy to understand but most of what she said was the refrain I constantly hear and read: Actively engage the students while making your presentation relevant. While great advice it did not shatter my preconceptions nor will it dramatically change the format of our already well designed presentations.

Fortunately , however, I did not tune out because toward the end of this familiar refrain she said
something that struck me and caused pause. I must share my passion for information, for the library, with these students if I want anything I say to stick.

As a librarian in a classroom I need to stay fresh no matter how many sessions I give on Academic Search Premier. I have to stay fresh because information is new, exciting, useful, and relevant. I have to stay fresh because if I fail to intrigue these students I am doing them a great disservice. I am leading them to believe that information is merely information rather that the powerful tool that is really is.

In an effort to avoid the pre-class ennui I need to remind myself of the privilege I have; the privilege of introducing these students to the tools and behaviors that will help them in their class and in their larger dealings everyday for the rest of their lives.

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