Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thing Three, The Wonderful World of RSS Feeds

I am a big fan of RSS feeds and have been for a while. I love the fact that I can not only consolidate all of the sources I am interested in in one place but that I am also notified of any new content.

My bloglines "Professional" folder makes it easy for me to scan the current postings of other librarian bloggers and continually brings to my attention articles and reflections I would not have looked for on my own but prove both interesting and informative. It is hard to stay kept up with The Kept Up Librarian but my Blogline feed sure does help!

Personally speaking, I also appreciate the fact that I can keep up with all the new recipes Heidi Swanson shares on the beautifully photographed 101 Cookbooks without obsessively visiting her site. And what librarian doesn't enjoy a word, or two, of the day?

As a user and professional I can see numerous benefits: I save time and exert little effort while still staying abreast of personal interest stories and professional articles of note. As a librarian, I need to continue thinking about ways our library might apply RSS feeds to the benefit of our particular users.

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